

shawnpang.eth 🇨🇦 | 人菜瘾大连续创业狗一只 - 分享加密/科创/出海/产品 还有创业者的碎碎念 - Not Financial Advice

Do you want the opportunity to shuffle the cards this time?

Many workplace elites nowadays have chosen a certain direction early on due to luck or family environment, and then continuously accumulate advantages in their core fields. However, every time there is a major change in social productivity and production relations, it is an opportunity for reshuffling and getting back to the table.

Just like how we now find it incredible to see the existence of typists as a profession in the past, but in the 1990s, being a typist was a high-paying job that young women envied. It was considered a decent job to record important meetings and transcribe written texts. Later on, this profession was quickly replaced by personal computers and image/speech recognition.

Because of generative AI, there will also be many decent and high-paying professions in our surroundings that will be considered "unbelievable" 30 years from now. In North America, the "elites" in most business fields are still flocking to consulting and investment banking. In my undergraduate years at a business school in Canada, I even had friends from top investment banks who competed to see who could memorize all the Excel shortcuts and complete a complex and beautiful analysis report without using a mouse. But now, all of this can be easily done automatically through built-in AI, and even just by using voice, one can complete a report or a PowerPoint presentation.

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