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Has slavery and hereditary system really disappeared?

Money replaced slavery and hereditary system but became a new form of slavery and hereditary system. The idea of one person owning another person's life in slavery seems so unreasonable, but in capitalist society, in order to obtain enough currency to survive and live, you have to dedicate more than half of your waking time to your employer. And your employer, because you are not their cared-for property, can even exploit and manipulate you further, the only difference being that you can choose who your master is.

At the same time, in ancient times, one's identity and occupation were often hereditary, whether you were an emperor or a knight. We, who are accustomed to the new social system, find this absurd. However, money is now such an important social asset that it can buy your life, health, and even life itself, just like the status and titles in ancient times. But people naturally assume that it can be inherited by the next generation.

Our society seems so advanced, and we have gone through so many revolutions and changes, but in fact, the social organization and cultural structure of humanity are just beginning to undergo transformation. Will encryption and artificial intelligence change us like fire and agriculture did in the past?

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