

shawnpang.eth 🇨🇦 | 人菜瘾大连续创业狗一只 - 分享加密/科创/出海/产品 还有创业者的碎碎念 - Not Financial Advice

Reduce 50% of daily communication, research, learning, and meeting time.

Every day, a large number of generative AI products are released, causing information overload for anyone who doesn't know how to use the right tools. As an entrepreneur who deals with client research and development projects every day and also has to produce output, my main concern is how to save time.

Below are the insights I have summarized from my past two months of practice, using the fewest products to reduce the time spent on daily communication, research and development, learning, and meetings by 50%.

Communication - Use Zappier to connect ChatGPT and Gmail, automatically draft replies to received emails, and publish them after review. Train a ChatGPT conversation with sales scripts and dialogue cases to generate answers to tedious questions on WeChat/Telegram.

Development - Use ChatGPT to generate various terminal scripts and MVP scaffolding, and use copilot for development. From the 0 to 1 stage, scalability and security do not need to be considered, allowing for quick trial and error.

Learning - Use WebGPT for assisted searching, and use ChatGPT to summarize key points of reading articles. Use Eightify to summarize YouTube videos and decide whether to spend time watching them or just focus on the key points.

Meetings - Use Otter AI to automatically join every Zoom meeting and import the conversation records into ChatGPT to generate meeting minutes and next steps.

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