

shawnpang.eth 🇨🇦 | 人菜瘾大连续创业狗一只 - 分享加密/科创/出海/产品 还有创业者的碎碎念 - Not Financial Advice

How fortunate

I read a sentence from Noah, who is also an entrepreneur - "How fortunate it is to encounter opportunities brought by economic crises and technological changes at the age when one can fight the hardest."

With the intensification of political conflicts between China and the United States, the slowdown of the mainland economy, a global pandemic lasting for three years, the devaluation of educational qualifications, a huge gap in job positions, and high housing prices, every young person has an excuse to become lost and lie down.

However, at the same time, the era is changing rapidly. AI large models, decentralized encryption, metaverse virtual worlds, brain-computer interfaces, commercial space exploration, and controllable nuclear fusion are all getting closer and closer to us. Young people are also encountering plans for reshuffling and re-entering the game at the time when they have the most learning ability, energy, and curiosity.

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